The Herreshoff pram:
LOA 11' beam 4' shallow draft

 Here is our latest model. It is a Herreshoff Pram, featuring oak ribs, western red cedar planks, Douglas fir thwarts, inwhales, gunnel's, seat risers, mahogany keel and knees. Brass keel strip four sister keels. Paint scheme of your choice. Includes leather bound 7.5 foot oars. This is a classic beauty from a previous era.

 Get one today and find out why John is actually smiling.

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Lapstrake Canoe:

The Lapstrake Canoe, designed by Ducktrap Boat Building, are double paddle canoes with incredible stablility. The seat is at water level and provides a smooth, fast, ride with less wobble. How fast are they? In Lincolnville Maine, these designed boats are not allowed to compete with standard class canoes.

 We offer three different models: The 13 footer is a 45 pound solo model, the 15 footer is also a solo (though she can carry two) that weighs 55 pounds, and our 17-foot double weighs only 65 pounds.

LOA 13' Beam 28" Depth 11" 49 lbs
LOA 15' Beam 34" Depth 12" 65 lbs
LOA 17' Beam 34" Depth 12" 79 lbs

 All old growth wood, custom paint scheme, double ended paddle.

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Hilmark Eight Foot Row Boat Yacht Tender

Order now to select the wood and color combination you would prefer.

Red Wing 18-26f: